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Colors: Face of the Earth

Do you know how will your life look like 10 or 20 years from now? I bet for some they do, for some they don’t. If an artist asks you to draw or paint how you think the world will look like years from now and color it, what will be the result?

I bet there are so many things that are happening right now that is concerning. Let us start with politics, war, climate related issues, nature related disasters and more. The earth looks different from how it is centuries ago and now. The fast-paced kind of life is shaking the evolution of technology towards its advancement, the way how we do things daily and more.

One thing that people are not seeing is the fact that we, as human has a big role in putting color to our society. We are actually painters of our future.

How do you imagine your world will be? Do you think it will start with a color brown and blue only? Or do you want it to be colorful in a way that there’s green, yellow and more?

Well if you imagine a colorful kind of world for you, your kids and grandchildren in the future, you need start to be the boss of your obra maestra. Be the master and use your hands!

Nowadays, many people die because of a calamities happening worldwide and neither you or me can stop that. It is like whirlwind kind of event that everyone will never expect to happen. But is it only nature being responsible about everything? I bet not. Part of the real issue here is us, the settlers of the earth, how we do things and how we use things.

The remaining question here is, how are we going to improve the current status of the earth?

I think we can start making your hands dirty and paint the world with trees and be an inspiration. We need to be very productive in saving our earth in a way that will leave a mark and an impact to our society.

How do we actually start painting this world greener and more?

  • Planting seeds will make trees in the future that will save us from floods. It is also an act of humanity that will tell the world how responsible we are as settlers of the land. If you are going to put everything into context, we as human being of this world are the ones consuming every single resources, and we should be the ones responsible replacing it for the future generations to come.

  • Waste management is already a long time cry and battle for us but yes it does make sense. Those plastic bags are causing so much damage to our environment and we really need to act upon it. We should always separate our biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste products. Not just because it is the right thing to do but because, this is the humane way of doing it.

  • Conserve water as much as possible. While brushing your teeth or washing your dishes or even when taking a shower, make sure that we use our water wisely. We should always remember that there are people who are struggling to have water as part of their daily routine, people who cannot even brush their teeth thrice a day because water is not accessible, so be thankful that you actually have it and be wise about using it.

  • Papers. Every paper is equivalent to trees being cut every single day just to supply your needs so you can write your precious novel or print your precious articles. So before you throw that paper, think about something that you can do to reuse it if possible. If you don’t feel like reusing papers then maybe try to use it properly and wisely.

There will be so many things and ways for each individual in this world to contribute in painting our own future with brighter colors. I think it is just a matter of putting it into action and raising the awareness of everybody towards the existence of the words ‘save the earth for a colourful tomorrow.’

How are we going to SAVE THE EARTH?

  • Be part of any organization such us or anything that you think that is creating a cause for the environment.

  • Be a model, walk the talk.

  • Educate people. This is something that we should always do, we need to spread the word.

  • Be an advocate. As a human being, you are given the chance to speak for our environment, use every single talent you have to help our mother earth.

  • Are you a writer? Maybe we can use your articles to for a greener and colorful earth.

  • The willingness to support programs and advocacies about saving our precious earth.

So we should always try to make a difference in this world. We should hold hands together and make our hands dirty and be the painters of the earth. At the end of the day, we should always be positive and innovative with how we do things in our daily living and let us spread the word of how the environment around us needs the so-called HELP. Join us as we paint the face of the earth using green colors and more.

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About the Author: Rhea Fantone-Schuster

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