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Gucci goes fur free!

Another victory of the animals!

Last Monday (October 9th 2017), Marco Bizzarri announced that from now on no more fur will be sold or used in the products of the Italian luxury brand Gucci. After eight years of negotiations with the Humane Society of the United States, the nation's largest protection organization, Gucci decided to finally join the Fur-Free league of luxurious brands that includes Armani, Hugo Boss and Stella McCartney, among many others. "Technology is now available, that means you don't need to use fur. The alternatives are luxurious. There is just no need," Bizzarri told Vogue. In addition to the availability of new technologies, a reason for this switch might be public's increased rejection to the idea of using fur.

What’s wrong with fur?

As internet and the access to information arise, we have more information than ever before. Undercover videos inside fur farms pop up in every social media, showing people the cruelty to which animals are subjected for the production of this material. Approximately one billion animals (including cats, dogs, foxes, rabbits, chinchillas, among others) are bred, caged and killed for their fur. Common practices in this industry include electrocution and skinning the animals alive so we can’t continue to believe the naive tales that we were told as childs.

Fur is cruel and people know it.

Animals in fur farms

How can you help? Call for action!

Brands want to have a good image, so they need to adjust to the public's choices. Support brands that reject this cruelty and reject the ones that continue to use animals to increase their profit. There’s plenty of cruelty-free options in the market that use synthetic material to create fake fur. Please leave real fur out of your closet: it’s cruel and outdated. A revolution already started, are you gonna miss it?

Stella McCartney faux fur coats


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