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5 List Of TED Talks On Creativity

We are all creative, even if you don't think so. This video will inspire you to rekindle the flame of your creativity and bring out the artist inside you.

Being creative is a gift that needs nurturing. It should never be taken for granted. If you’re lucky enough to have the gift, you should be testing how far you can push it.

1. How Empathy Fuels the Creative Process: Rethinking the Meaning of Connection

2. Creativity Under Pressure

We often think of creativity as an uncontrollable and accidental thing that seems to happen most when we least expect it. Todd Henry is a student practitioner of creativity. He has discovered that introducing structure into our lives can make these accidents happen more often.

3. Creativity and Play

Tim Brown explains the key theories behind why companies like Google and Pixar invest so much time effort and money into making playful atmospheres for their people to work in. He tells us how you too can put together a situation that’s all about possibilities, not pigeonholes. Where play is serious and productive - but still very much in the spirit of playtime.

4. Cosmic Creativity: How Art Evolves Consciousness

Visionary artist Alex Grey began his career as a medical illustrator at Harvard Medical School, but is best known for paintings that present the physical and subtle anatomy of an individual in the context of cosmic, biological and technological evolution. His work has been featured in Time and Newsweek, on the Discovery Channel, and as album art for TOOL, the Beastie Boys and Nirvana.

8. What creativity is trying to tell you

The creative process is as individual as it is universal. And yet there is a secret that creativity itself is yearning to tell us. Since the age of 9, Jonathan has performed as a singer, dancer, actor, and gone on to other creative ventures such as a playwright, director, choreographer, author, and voice over artist. Many different titles, one common thread: Creativity. He shares pivotal life experiences that define creativity for him and shows how you can tap into your own creativity on a daily basis, in whatever space and time you have.

Enjoy. Watch a couple of videos, and we defy you not to feel inspired into making something awesome.

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