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Art For Evolution reaches Gold level with GuideStar

Art For Evolution recently received the GuideStar Exchange Gold participation level, a leading symbol of transparency and accountability provided by GuideStar USA, Inc., the premier source of nonprofit information. This level demonstrates Art For Evolution’s deep commitment to nonprofit transparency and accountability.

As a GuideStar Exchange participant, we use their platform to share a wealth of up-to-date information about our organization to our supporters along with GuideStar’s community of nonprofits, grant makers, individual donors and media. The power of this platform is that real time data is used to showcase nonprofit work, allowing a broad spectrum of interested parties (heroes) to make decisions (and take actions) based on up-to-date information.

In order to be awarded the GuideStar Exchange logo, Art For Evolution was required to submit all nonprofit information on to achieve the Gold level of participation. We are excited to receive this acknowledgement, as we are committed to integrity throughout the organization and at all levels in our campaigns and initiatives as we seek to make a positive impact on our environment. We are proud to join GuideStar, and hope you will join our community as well.

About Art for Evolution

Art for Evolution, Inc: (AFE). Non profit organization that seeks to raise awareness of our habits that negatively impact the planet, and shift those toward creating a positive and lasting (green) mark on the planet.

AFE Mission: Art For Evolution's mission is to strengthen the community and the environment with Participatory Eco Art.

AFE Vision: Art For Evolution's vision is to preserve our environment by compensating the impact of human activity through Participatory Art.

Art For Evolution uses "ecological art" and "participatory art" as tools to increase understanding and knowledge of environmental issues and solutions.

Art For Evolution provides education and creative solutions to environmental threats through the 1st project: GREEN on GRAY (G.O.G.)

AFE Core Values: G 2016 plan, along with the Green on Gray project, promote environmental awareness as well as actions toward mitigating climate change. We encourage education and collaborative actions that reduce pollution and other negative consequences generated by excessive consumption. These are measures that we can take now to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally. With an awareness of climate change and international economic development, we can impact nature and culture to live in a sustainable way.

More information:

GuideStar AFE: Art For Evolution: GuideStar USA:

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