Every single everyday activity, as simple as each may appear, leaves a GRAY mark (carbon footprint). The carbon footprint is the tool used to measure the negative impact on planet earth. Generated by human activities, the carbon footprint is determined by the quantity of greenhouse gas produced. The unit is a measurement of carbon dioxide. Emissions linked with transportation, enterprises, commercial activities and product processing are included in measuring the carbon footprint. Remember each step, activity or consumption we make leaves its mark on the planet!

Measuring our GRAY MARK gives us the possibility to reduce our impact! We propose to create an ALLIANCE with the PLANET."GREEN ON GRAY Alliance with the PLANET" provides the interaction between cities, corporations, and the greater community with nature, through participating in eco-art. A four-pillared campaign that includes education, ecological ethics, green spaces, C02 reduction, and Participatory Art. The Alliance gives us the union of efforts from all segments of society to work towards the same goal and involves a commitment to collaboration, where each of the parties empowers the others to improve the life quality.

Eco Art can change the world
The human tendency towards the destruction of nature does not allow anyone to seek refuge in indifference. As we must contend with our habits of consumption and pollution and their impact on natural resources and our environment,
Art for Evolution, a nonprofit organization born in the United States in 2013, has established the global project “GREEN ON GRAY.” This participatory art project is designed to measure, reduce and compensate for carbon emissions with funding from participatory art projects to build and nurture green ecosystems and land art parks. Through ecological art, the plan involves people working across the globe to establish an eco-ethical commitment and behaviors that begin to counter the impact from carbon emissions through the creation of green spaces. This effort is a significant step toward thwarting environmental crisis.
Use the participatory art as a mass medium to awaken social conscience and give every single participant a key role in the change that will preserve the planet through creative and responsible actions toward nature. Measuring your consumption and pollution, you begin to commit yourself to reduce it and compensate it with (green) art!

Spread our GoG CHALLENGE
1 million participants will commit to reducing pollution
1 million tons CO2 per year avoided
$250.000.000/year will be saved with eco-ethical change in lifestyle.
Design, develop, and implement the Eco Participatory Artworks on a worldwide scale, with the goal of neutralizing environmental contamination. As citizens, we can each participate in social works as well as encourage politicians to engage in green policies at every level. The combination of efforts ensures a GREEN on GRAY Project and can be executed on a global scale.
Alliance's Goal

Add a tree to the
GREEN MARK Land Art Park
The Founder of Art for Evolution, Analia Bordenave, an ecological artist, is focused on awakening environmental thought and action through the creation of Land Art, "inviting every person to leave their GREEN MARK beginning a work of eco-art together with nature which, with the passage of time, will end our art piece."
How does it work?
Our CO2 Calculator allows measuring carbon emissions with just five simple questions. Then we offer our GoG Commitment: ten eco-ethical changes in everyday life to reduce at least 1 ton of emissions per participant.
​In turn, they can compensate by providing trees for the GREEN MARK Land Art Park.
Our Virtual Park enables participants to plant trees with personal names in the Virtual Land Art Park. Upon completion of the virtual version, a real Land Art Park will be alive with trees.

The Park, a natural ecosystem, plays an important role in climate change: trees and plants, through the process of photosynthesis, absorb CO2 from the air and use solar energy, water, and salts from the soil, to transform them into organic substances.This way they become carbon collectors.
10,000 trees 5 -6 FEET TALL will represent 10,000 legacies and create a land art piece transforming the Gray Mark (pollution) into a GREEN MARK on the Planet. Space is planted with native species forming a print that will become a park to be visited by the public. Everyone can follow the growth of their trees in real-time through our timeline. You can use coordinates of Google Maps, Photos and Videos, and visit the LAND ART PARK.
We will keep you informed from the beginning to the end as a co-creator. We take pride in our project management and its transparency and encourage co-contributors to follow our progress and watch how your GREEN MARK becomes art while taking care of the planet.

Our Participation
Everyone makes pollution! Everyone can help stop it!
Everyone leaves a Mark in the Planet: Schools, universities, businesses, employers, employees, and any institution and individual. We are all part of the problem, why can’t we all be part of the solution? Today you have a huge opportunity to be one of the pioneers of this project that will care for our world through art and culture. The "GREEN ON GRAY Alliance" provides the interaction between government, private companies, and the greater community through participating in eco-art.

+Commitment: Less CO2
Add your commitment to eco-ethical habits, and be a co-creator to the first participatory ECO-ARTWORK. Contribute with your trees. You can plant them in the virtual park: choose the species, the location, add your name and message and watch them grow in a real park so you can visit them!
The businesses acquired the trees (1 to 10,000) to give to the community through a corporate campaign to promote ecological ethics or just sponsor each tree. The corporations will be able to acquire trees to give to their clients and community, contributing to care of the environment. Businesses acquire the trees to give to the community through a corporate campaign to promote ecological ethics or just to sponsor each tree.​

+Park Land Space
The cities that ally with the GREEN on GRAY PROJECT will contribute to the space to create the parks(30 to 50 acres). We are eager to know in which city the project start, and which cities will choose to have the GoG Land Art Park forever embodied in their surface, forming an ecological heritage that will become worldwide news.
Just click HERE to view a printable PDF version of the pledge card.
You can then fill it out and mail it, along with your check, to
Art For Evolution, Inc.
PO Box 192066
Miami FL 33119
Leave your GREEN MARK!
Be a part of the GREEN ON GRAY world that unites the global community in a creative artistic process, generating commitment, political pressure, and positive actions to mitigate climate crises and enhance our environment. We need your commitment and your contribution to initiate this change. Please consider being a founder and leave your Green Mark.

Donate online using our secure OnLine Platform:

Just click HERE to view a printable PDF version of the pledge card.
You can then fill it out and mail it, along with your check, to
Art For Evolution, Inc.
PO Box 192066
Miami FL 33119